Understanding LGBTQ+ Identities

There’s always more to learn about the many different ways people identify, and the ways their identities impact their experience of hospitality.

This list of curated resources will guide your further learning and understanding. It includes videos, articles, websites, organizations and books. Many of these resources may be useful to share with your team, and can proceed and facilitate the team discussions and exercises in our Everyone Welcome workbook. One caution: Our understanding of gender and sexual identities — and the language used to describe them — are constantly growing, and culturally variable. Seek out updated and culturally specific resources though web search, social media and the news.


Understanding Gender

TED Talks: Understanding the Complexities of Gender (Sam Kellermann + Genderbread)

TED Talks: How To Talk (and Listen) To Transgender People

Raised without Gender (Vice Media)

Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric

Shielding Children from Gender Stereotypes “Theybies” (NBC News)

TED Talks: Fifty Shades of Gay

Traveling While Trans: A Guide to Staying Safe While Seeing the World (Matador Network)

Airlines, Including Delta, to Add New Gender Options for Non-Binary Passengers (The Daily Beast)

Male, Female, or X: Air passengers to get more gender options from airlines (Reuters)

Facebook’s 71 Gender Options (Telegraph)

7 Gender Bending Animals in the Animal Kingdom

OUT & EQUAL Guide to Non-Binary Best Practices in the workplace

OUT & EQUAL: Non-Binary Gender Identities: A Diverse Global History

The Genderbread Person

Understanding Gender on a Spectrum

Understanding Trans Travel Documentation

Airport Security from the National Center for Transgender Equality

National Transgender Discrimination Survey (US)

InterAct Advocates for Intersex Youth (comprehensive resource)

What It’s Like To be Intersex (Buzzfeed)

What Is Intersex?

Intersexion: Boy or Girl? (Documentary 52 minutes)

Intersex: Redefining Gender (Documentary 12 minutes)

Lived Experiences Intersex 

We Need To End Intersex Erasure in Queer Communities

Gender Revolution with Katie Couric

Shielding Children from Gender Stereotypes “Theybies” (NBC News)

11 Animals that can change their gender

OUT & EQUAL Guide to Non-Binary Best Practices in the Workplace

Sexual Orientation Resources

The Kinsey Scale 

Sexual Orientation: A Spectrum on Attractive

A Guide for Understanding, Supporting, and Affirming LGBTQ+ Children

The difference between sexual orientation and gender identity (CBS News)

Am I Asexual? (Cosmopolitan)

What’s the Real Difference Between Bi and Pansexual? (Rolling Stone)

The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)

Language Resources

TED Talks: The Importance of Using Inclusive Language

The ABCs of LGBTQIA+ from the New York Times (June 21, 2018)

LGBTQ Language Dos and Don’ts

Should I use LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQQIA, or something else?

Resources on Personal Pronouns 

Gender Neutral Pronouns 101 by Devin-Norelle for Them.us

GLAAD: An Ally’s Guide To Terminology

Linguistic Society Guidelines for Inclusive Language

The Language of Gender

Gender Pronouns

What do you do when someone doesn’t use any pronouns?

Gender-Inclusive Language

Qantas introduces gender-neutral language

13 Pride Flags From different LGBTQ+ Communities

United Airlines offers gender neutral options for booking flights

The ABCs of LGBTQIA+ from the New York Times June 21, 2018

LGBTQ Language Dos and Don’ts

The Language of Gender

Implicit / Unconscious Bias

Measure your Implicit Bias with Project Implicit

TED Talk : We All Have Implicit Bias

The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias 

Yale University in conversation with Dolly Chugh

Understanding Unconscious Bias from the UK’s Royal Society

Implicit Racial Bias among White Europeans

TED Talk: How To Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias

Confronting Unconscious Bias in Advertising from Ogilvy

TED Talk: Implicit Bias: Stereotype Threat and Higher Education

EU Anti Gender Bias Training Resources

Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives

A conversation on Hidden Bias

Immaculate Perception

How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Towards Them

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think and Do

Laws, Documentation & Legal Considerations

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association

Global Acceptance Index for LGBT People

Lambda Legal : Impact litigation, education, and public policy work in the USA

United Nations Free + Equal Campaign

OutRight International (Global LGBTQ Human Rights Organization)

Airlines to Begin offering new gender options for non-binary flyers

Which Box Do You Check? Some States Are Offering a Nonbinary Option