Strategy & Marketing

We help identify opportunities and market potential for your business, solve challenges, and develop target marketing plans for highly profitable LGBTQ+ customers, visitors and guests.

As advocates for suppliers and consumers, our work starts with a strategy to bridge where your business is today, to where it needs to be to welcome diverse customers of all kinds in the future. With a keen understanding of the financial, political, and community implications for tourism businesses, our recommendations are smart, creative, and actionable.

Our strategy and marketing services include products and services supporting these strategy goals:

    • Identify diversity and inclusivity challenges, opportunities, and market potential for your business
    • Create consumer-facing marketing and communications plans
    • Create action plans for destinations and brands that can’t openly market to diverse customers such as LGBTQ+
    • Leverage marketing, communications, and training efforts to transform local service culture and increase welcome for diverse travelers of all kinds.
Strategic Audits

HospitableMe evaluates the inclusiveness of your messaging and imagery. We report on how your brand relates to the audience, identify messaging that may be unintentionally alienating to diverse travelers, and highlight advantageous attributes. We outline recommended steps to make your customer-facing communications more welcoming and engaging for all travelers.

Our audit provides your leadership and teams with:

    • Review of consumer-facing messaging and imagery
    • Identification of product strengths and weaknesses
    • Benchmarking against best practices in your sector
    • The necessary perspective to plan your engagement with the segment
Market Analysis and Plan

Building on our Audit, this program takes the findings of the Audit, and builds recommendations and work plans from the recommendations. We work collaboratively with your team to leverage your strengths and opportunities, producing a detailed plan to position and/or promote your destination or brand to your desired audience.

Our analysis and plan provide a launchpad for your team, drastically reducing the start-up learning curve and accelerating your success in the market.

    • Everyone Welcome education for your sales/marketing/leadership team
    • Collaborative iteration of your marketing and communications strategies
    • Detailed plans for next steps
    • Leverage points based on your products, policies, marketing, reputation, employees, location, history, and visibility
    • Areas for improvement, benchmarked against best practices in the industry, with clear examples and guidance
    • Recommendations for short, medium, and long-range engagement efforts
    • Response to political, social, and competitive challenges
    • Introductions and referrals to potential collaborators, partners, and providers

Lean on our team as your internal inclusivity resource. We provide ongoing assistance to your efforts. Use us as a sounding board, or engage us to complete a mission-critical task.  Annual contract holders benefit from our engagement on your behalf as we network in the industry. HospitableMe consulting insures that your diversity and inclusion efforts are expertly guided through planning, execution and follow-up.

LGBTQ+ Marketing

With LGBTQ+ travel-related spending reaching US $211 billion annually, there’s great value in target marketing to segments of the community. And there’s even more value in leveraging LGBTQ+ marketing and communications to reach allies and millennial and GenZ travelers.

Many of our clients have strategic goals that go beyond increasing visitation and spend by LGBTQ+ travelers. We help create communications programs that share a broader message about diversity and inclusion to position destinations and brands as modern, progressive, and welcoming.

We develop content marketing that leverages LGBTQ+ voices to elevate and align discussion around new and lesser-known products, services, and attributes. We deliver LGBTQ+ consumers through your own platforms, influencer programs, and campaigns in social and traditional media.

Content Development

Engage our editorial expertise to develop inclusive content for your destination or brand. We have decades of experience producing high-quality editorial for OUT & ABOUT, ManAboutWorld, and some of the world’s most sophisticated travel marketing organizations.

We deliver content that is relevant, fresh, engaging, inspiring, voice-expanding but always on-brand:

    • Inclusive messaging from diverse voices
    • Short features to full destination guides
    • Passion-focused. with special emphasis on culinary, arts,
      and outdoor adventure
    • Insider recommendations
    • Local, inclusive, and personality-driven
Keynotes & Panels

HospitableMe team members and content appear on stage at conferences all over the world, delivering keynote addresses and panel discussions on a wide range of diversity, inclusion, LGBTQ+, and travel subjects. Invite us to speak, or engage us to create dynamic and diverse programming and panel discussions for your conference or event.

Keynote topics include:

    • Everyone Welcome: Delivering Inclusive Hospitality
    • Welcoming LGBTQ+ Guests
    • Gender Diversity and Youth Travel
    • Trends in LGBTQ+ Tourism & Hospitality Marketing
    • Inclusive Hospitality: How Everyone Benefits from Gender-Inclusive Service
    • Making Meetings More Inclusive
    • Tourism: Will it Save or Destroy Us
    • The Future is Genderless
    • Welcoming Diverse Guests in Conservative Cultures